Credit Card Consolidation Is Coming. What Could That Mean for Your Small Business?
The days of carrying multiple credit cards in your wallet could be coming to an end. Binji, a startup company from Irvine, CA, is developing an all-in-one debit card. The sell? You can combine all your debit and credit card funds onto a single card, then choose which card to pay with at checkout. For […]
The Top 3 Lies That Payment Processors Love to Tell
How does a foot injury relate to the payment processing industry? Let’s say Sam’s got a broken foot and needs to wear a special pair of shoes until he heals. Naturally, he checks out his local shoe store to find a pair, where one of the employees meets him to show him around. They get […]
Is Apple Pay Worth Your Business’s Time?
Quantum Electronic Payments is an authorized Apple Pay dealer that helps you transform the way your business accepts payment transactions. With the release of the new iPhone iOS system, payment transactions have never been more simple. You can now process payments without manually swiping a credit or debit card. For the merchant, not much […]