3 Easy Ways to Promote Your Small Business for Small Business Saturday

Started in 2010 by American Express in an effort to drive more shoppers to small businesses, Small Business Saturday has quickly become a holiday of its own. On November 26th, millions of shoppers will support their local businesses. Here’s how you can easily set yourself apart from the pack and prepare for Small Business Saturday.

  1. Get Social: promoting your business through social media is a great way to gain exposure and keep your customers up to date on what you’re doing. You can further drive visibility to your business by including the hashtag, #ShopSmall.
  2. Offer Up: Give your customers a reason to come into your store. Creating special offers is a great way to rally your customers and attract new ones. Give shoppers who tag your business on social media with #ShopSmall an extra discount when they checkout
  3. Make it an Event: Give shoppers something to remember. Throw a party, do a raffle, organize a scavenger hunt. Creating a memorable experience for your customers will get them talking about it with others, which will in turn increase awareness of your business.

For more information, visit https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/shop-small/
